Name Surname


    Arrival date (rrrr-mm-dd)

    Departure date (rrrr-mm-dd)

    I agree to the terms and conditions

    Price list:
    Time of stay:
    • 1­-7 days 250zł/ night
    • 7­-14 days 230zł/ night
    • 14 and more 210zł/ night
    To book a term please type in the days you want to stay in.
    Prepayment: 10% of the total cost should be transfered to this bank account:
    80 1140 2004 0000 3702 3568 8501
    In case of cancelling the reservation in less than 48 hours before scheduled arrival the prepayment will not be returned

    Check in time: 11.00­ - 18.00

    Phone no: 600 537 889